Breasts are structures that complete the physique of the woman's body appearance. Breasts may be small due to different structural reasons. .One may be smaller than the other, asymmetrical. Silicone prostheses (implants) are the most valid method today to make both breasts equal or increase their volume. Breast augmentation surgeries have been tried with the person's own tissues, but have yielded limited results. Each prosthesis has its own advantages and disadvantages. These should be discussed in detail before the operation and it should be decided together which one to use.
What is a silicone breast prosthesis (implant)?
Silicone-containing products are also used for other purposes in the cosmetic industry and medicine. Breast prostheses are balloon-like structures prepared in the shape of a breast. There are round and drop-shaped ones called anatomical. One of them is chosen according to the situation in the woman's breast. The balloon part is made of silicone; The surface of the prosthesis is produced as rough in order to adapt to the tissues in the body.
If the patient to whom the prosthesis will be placed is over 40 years old, radiological examinations called mammography and, if necessary, ultrasonography are performed before the operation. Every surgery has general or specific risks. Edema and pain in the breast area are the postoperative complaints. Bleeding and infection due to surgery are rare conditions. Some patients complain of increased or decreased sensitivity in the nipples or numbness around the incision after surgery. This is usually temporary. In rare cases, the body may not accept this foreign substance, it tries to form a thick membrane (capsule) around the prosthesis, compress it, trap it, and sometimes throw it out of the body. In case of thick capsule formation, hardness and sometimes asymmetry can be seen in the breasts. In case of mild and moderate capsular contracture, external massage and, if necessary, additional surgery can be performed to remove the capsule around the prosthesis. When severe capsular contracture occurs, there is no other option but to remove the prosthesis. Although the outer surface of silicone prostheses is very thin, they are highly resistant to external impacts. Normal and moderate massages do not hurt. The person can lie face down 2 months after the surgery.
The prosthesis is seen as a gap in mammography. The risk of developing cancer does not increase in a breast with a silicone breast prosthesis, it is the same as normal breast tissue.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia in the operating room under hospital conditions. It takes 1-2 hours. A 4-5 cm scar is opened for the prosthesis to be placed. This permission overlay can be one of the following:
- Inframammary fold (Submammarian)
- Lower udder head (Circumareolar)
- Armpits (alciles).
Post-surgery is usually comfortable. Pain is minimal. If the prosthesis is placed behind the chest muscle, there may be limitation in arm movements for a few days. A bra or wrap is applied to the breast after the surgery. 10-12 if there are non-dissolving stitches. day can be taken. There is no need for suture removal in dissolving stitches. There may be swelling in the early period, numbness in the nipple and purplish discoloration on the skin. These disappear on their own in a short time. The patient can return to work in 3-4 days. After 3 weeks, the prosthesis settles into place and the breast regains its normal function. The patient is advised to stay away from heavy sports (which require jumping-running) for 2 months. Breast augmentation surgery with prosthesis is an operation that gives good and permanent results in general, improves the mental health and psychosocial structure of the person, and makes them more connected to life.
Today, the most commonly used are round prostheses filled with silicone gel and textured. Prosthesis selection and placement may vary depending on the patient, the condition of the breast and the surgeon's preference.